Basic Program: 6-7 months, depending on when dog has permanent teeth.
Three month Commitment-- Each dog is different. The amount of time it takes depends on the tractability, temperament and desire of the dog. Dogs are by nature pack animals. Any group requires one to be dominant. This training establishes the handler as dominant. Upon completion of training, this dominance is easily transferred to the owner.
Obedience-- Dog will learn: Here and Sit whistle commands. Heel position. Place and Kennel commands.
Electronic Collar Conditioning--Teaches the dog to turn off collar pressure on known commands. Here Heel (Off leash) Kennel (Teaches dog to leave handler's side.) Place (Teaches do to stay on a designated spot.)
Force Fetch--Key foundation for a competent hunting retriever. Dog will hold, fetch and deliver to hand any object or bird. Beginning Marking (Works on dog's ability to watch the fall and mark it). Easy single retrieves--retrieving dummies to birds. Builds confidence and introduces steadiness. Concept Singles--dog learns to ignore the influences of contrary conditions (bumpers to birds). Dog retrieves in heavy cover, runs longer distances, hunts the fall area, and ignores the influences of wind, cover and terrain.
Beginning Handling (Introduces hand commands from Trainer). Teaches dog to leave for back pile. Three handed casting--Back, Right Over, Left Over.
Beginning Quartering (Teaches dog to quarter afield within gun range). Dog is taught to respond to whistle and voice command.